

We practice the art and science of helping clients manage their financial situation to enable them to achieve the goals and live the life that is meaningful for them and their families.

The media is full of reports, studies and surveys indicating that Americans are falling short of their financial and retirement goals. People are bombarded every waking moment by ads and commercials touting various financial products and providers, media financial pundits and gurus blasting out specific advice for an unknown general audience, and millions of articles, advice columns, and websites; we know lack of available resources and information is not the reason. Ironically, the culprit for many savers and investors is the proliferation of data and choices available to them, making it more difficult than ever to focus on what is important for their situation and how and when to get relevant personalized advice and guidance.

As a CPA I work with clients annually to do their tax returns and I see this scenario replayed many times: my clients get unsolicited "advice" and sales pitches from their banker or insurance agent, or a financial “expert” they found online, and the advice they got often was not what they needed or did not fit with their tax or personal situation. Often the banker, insurance company agents, robo-advisor websites, and other "advisors" are in sales mode, and do not explore what’s most important to them, or what their dreams, goals and challenges are. In many cases clients did not feel that anyone had a full perspective on their wealth management issues – from taxes to college savings, insurance, retirement and estate planning.

In 2002 I decided to offer financial services to my clients as a solution to this dilemma and an excellent fit for my skills and experience. Now, we are able to offer clients an integrated range of professional services from accounting and tax preparation to financial services and insurance. We develop an intimate knowledge of a client's financial strengths, challenges and goals, and apply this knowledge every time work with them. We guide clients through their financial issues using a consultative process that addresses all the major issues most people encounter at some point in their lives.


Tax - We prepare tax returns for individuals, businesses, trusts & estates, and provide consultations on tax issues and strategies. By working closely with our clients, we can proactively identify tax planning opportunities as well as tax traps lurking beneath the surface of a transaction. In essence, we help our clients meet the compliance requirements of the tax laws while minimizing actual cash outflows to Uncle Sam through smart planning.

Accounting - We prepare financial statements and compilation reports, help clients maintain and correct their books, consult with you on business issues and help you make informed decisions, and help you to minimize the hassle of managing your business.

Payroll - We provide automated, secure, internet-based payroll services. With the help of our online payroll service we do your payroll administration and processing, including company and employee setup, tax authority registration, automated computation of payroll amounts such as gross pay, withholdings, and net pay, electronic (or paper) paychecks and tax deposits, electronic preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns, and professional review and monitoring of your payroll for tax planning purposes and to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Consulting - We consult with our clients on a variety of everyday business issues, help them to make informed financial decisions, and perform the role of business coach and financial counsel. Small business owners and entrepreneurs face many challenges in growing and sustaining their businesses. Often these projects take valuable time and energy away from the owner, scattering their focus and preventing them from doing what they do best. We can help select and install your company retirement plan, setup a Buy-Sell Arrangement (between owners), help you get a handle on cash flow management, assist with a business sale or acquisition, and many other projects.


Life, Disability & Long Term Care - Even the most well-thought-out financial and life plans can crumble if you have not properly prepared for the unexpected – risks that exist for every family such as disability, death, or a long-term-care need. I can evaluate your current risk management plans to determine if they are adequately meeting your needs at this stage of your life and as you plan for the future. I will make suggestions that not only address your risk management needs but also consider the tax implication of these changes. For those who have ample financial income and resources, and are looking for ways to preserve & protect assets and minimize taxes now and in the future, we have a variety of solutions you should consider that make excellent financial sense.

Health & Medicare - Health care costs keep rising faster than the inflation rate with no end in sight. Uninsured medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy. The Affordable Care Act guarantees that anyone can get decent coverage regardless of their medical situation. Medical insurance policies are renewed annually, and it's getting more complicated to deal with constantly changing provider networks, premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and benefits & coverages. Each year you have new insurance options with a variety of alternatives to consider. You might qualify for a premium credit or subsidies to help you pay for coverage. As an independent insurance broker, I am licensed to provide health insurance for business groups and individuals.